Smithfield Manor Nursing and Rehab

"Dedicated to Excellence"

To: All Smithfield Manor Employees

From: Administration

Re: Nursing Department Employee Status Changes

Date: February 4, 2025

Greetings to our SMI Family,

I wish to bring you up to date on changes within our Nursing Department's structure.

As you all know, Karen Bryant-Lavant's husband has recently undergone a major health crisis. She has faithfully continued to care for him and coupled that with her DON duties. It has become an impossibility for her to juggle both of these. With much sadness on her part, as well as our Administration, she has elected to resign from the Director of Nursing position. We so very much understand and respect her decision. Further, I am delighted to inform you that she is not leaving the employment of our facility. She is transferring to the 11-7 shift Nursing position. SMI is blessed in that she will remain a part of our team as her professional knowledge, skills, and presence in general add so much to the quality of our facility. Please let her know how much you have appreciated having her in that position even if for such a short time.

Effective February 4, 2025, Denise Pace, R.N., will assume the role of Director of Nursing. She joined the staff at SMI in 1987. Since that time, she has taken a couple of hiatuses to pursue other areas of Nursing. In 2014, she returned to the Manor. Prior to this promotion, she has served as Director of Clinical Services. Also, please join me in congratulating Ms. Pace on her promotion as she transitions to her new role. I encourage all to work with her during this time of change.